Friday, 10 December 2010

Cardboard Box Fluting .... important information when ordering boxes online

Fluting is the corruagted cardboard that has been sandwiched between the two outer layers of cardboard. There are various different types of fluting and all determine the compression, crush, strength, printability and storage space required of your box. See below for different Flutes:

E Flute - The board thickness is usually 1.2mm giving excellent crush resistance and printability.

B Flute - The board thickness is usually 3mm this is the most commonly used flute as it gives all round compression strength, compactness, printability and cost effectiveness.

C Flute - The board thickness is usually 4mm and is a larger flute than B but can be more easily crushed.

BC Flute (double wall) - The board thickness is usually 7mm and is a combination of flutes B and C giving good compression and stacking strength.

EB Flute (double wall) - The board thickness is usually 4.2mm giving good strength and printability but taking up less storage space than BC.

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